Monday, 7 November 2011

Well this hasn't gone well

I would however like to point you towards my new project that I hope will start well and continue in that vein; if anyone is out there, please take a peek at:

This a new project I'm starting that hopefully will help me in some small way escape the Doldrums! Happy Wargaming!

Saturday, 19 February 2011

I've been away for a while again!

But here are some very lovely pictures of a fully "restored" Traitor Chimera!

I dreamt up some interesting fluff actually: the  tank was a loyalist one that partook in an  abortive invasion of a Daemon World within the Eye of Terror. This vehicle like many others was left planetside during the evacuation, and the same abandoned vehicles now fight for Chaos, in the legions of the Damned.

I should probably add that there is now a Flamer in the gun port in the front, and the rear has a door that looks like it maybe could work. I'll post pics when I've painted it!

Monday, 3 January 2011

First EVER plasticard Infantry scratch-build!

Well I know it isn't much, but I like it. Long term followers of this blog (Of 8 posts!) will note that I don't have much self-appreciation for any of my work, but I think that I'm genuinely proud of this one. So without further ado, here is a bionic arm for a Regimental Standard Bearer for my Traitor Guard!

Ta Daaaa!